Reach Capital commits 1% of all its revenues to charities saving our planet
Reach Capital pledges to 1% for the Planet and becomes Carbon Neutral
? We were looking forward to #EarthDay2021 to announce big news for Reach Capital.
Back in 2020, we wanted to make a commitment reinforcing our corporate culture: aligned and radically transparent!
? We decided to not just annouce but implement the following:
1️⃣ Commit from 2020 to #OnePercentForThePlanet and give 1% of our 2020 Revenues to great NGOs working hard to save our planet ✔️
2️⃣ Become Carbon Neutral from this year ✔️
Looking forward to help our PE community on this matter and share our experience
Back in 2020, we wanted to make a commitment reinforcing our corporate culture: aligned and radically transparent!
? We decided to not just annouce but implement the following:
1️⃣ Commit from 2020 to #OnePercentForThePlanet and give 1% of our 2020 Revenues to great NGOs working hard to save our planet ✔️
2️⃣ Become Carbon Neutral from this year ✔️
Looking forward to help our PE community on this matter and share our experience